关于我们 北京东方盛威新材料科技有限公司专业从事“东方魔墙”品牌纤维涂料的研发、生产和销售。并面向全国招商加盟。东方魔墙隶属北京东方盛威新材料科技有限公司,公司具有先进水平的全套纤维涂料生产设备、技术和工艺。先后与多家跨国公司形成深度合作,为公司优质原材料的储备及新技术的研发提供强有力的支撑保障。公司目前拥有华北、华中两大仓储中心,能快速响应全国产品需求,“东方魔墙”纤维涂料因性价比高,公司工厂店迅速遍布国内大、中、小城并出口至俄罗斯、蒙古国、韩国、朝鲜、北美及中东等国家和地区。公司具有完善的售前、售中、售后一站式全方位售后服务保障体系,为消费保驾护航。
Beijing Oriental Shengwei New Material Science and Technology limited company specializes in the research,development,production and sale of the fibercoating Oriental Magic Wall. Our company is equipped with world advanced roduction equipment,technique and process. The deep collaboration with multinational corporations supply strong support of high-quality raw materials and new technology. We own two warehousing bases in north China and central China,with which our company can quickly respond to the market requirements. Since the Oriental Magic Wall fiber coating is high cost-effective, our factories quickly spread all over the country, and our productions are exported to Russia,Mongolia,Korea,North Korea, North America, the Middle East and other areas. We have built a perfect system to ensure the rights of customers in the whole sale process.
对客户 To customer:
公司一直秉承以人为本的人文理念,将消费者的身体健康放在首位,十八年来专注环保墙材产品的研发,不断更新原材料,目前多数原材料均来自不同的国家,以优质环保的原材料为用户提供健康的产品和环保的家居及工作环境。客户至上,是我们一直坚守的服务原则。为了让消费者健康住、放心住、快速住,我们建立了完善的售前、售中、售后一站式全方位售后服务保障体系,为消费者保驾护航。用心服务了成千上万的客户,在墙衣界赢得了良好的口碑,迎得了慕名而来的客户,也迎来了公司业绩的逐年翻番。 Our company insists the concept of People Centrality all the time and put the health of customers in the first place. In twelve years,our company has been focusing on the research ,development of the production of wall clothes,and the renewal of raw material. At present,most of our raw materials come from different countries. With the best environmental materials,we can provide the healthiest production and the best environmental living and working environment. Our company has always insisted the concept of Customer First. In order to let customers live healthily,pleasantly and quickly,we have built a perfect service system to ensure the rights and interests of customers.with diligent service,we have fostered a good and healthy company image and got more and more customers and increasing benefits.
对事业 In work: 务实创新 团结共赢 Pragmatism and Innovation,Unity and Win-Win 公司从上至下,一直沿袭着务实创新的工作态度。十八年来公司发展的每一步台阶,都迈得踏踏实实;公司接受的每一个项目,都力求务实认真。在务实发展的同时,我们没有停下积极创新的步伐,不管是产品本身,还是服务流程或是公司制度,我们一直都在努力革新,用技术创新的力量推动公司的快速发展。 在这个互利共赢的时代,我们亦走在前面。用真心去团结员工及全国代理商,因为他们的大力支持和帮助,公司得到了长足发展。员工是公司的核心,公司尽最大努力打造宽松的工作环境及舒适的生活环境,尽力为员工解决后顾之忧。来自各地的代理商是公司业务遍及全国的基石,公司将他们的利益放在首位,尽力以优质的产品和优质的服务、快捷的物流做支撑,目前在华北、华中建立了仓储基地,将产品以快捷的速度送达各地经销商的手中。 。 The whole company follows the attitudes of Pragmatism and Innovation. In the last twelve years,the every step we make is surefooted,and the every project we do is pragmatic. We have never stopped the step of innovation on production,service and company system. We have been innovating and developing the company with the power of technical innovation. We get ahead in the era of mutual benefit and wining together. Our company unite all the staff and agencies , with whose help and support, we have got significant development. Since staff is the core of our company, we try our best to build relaxing working environment and comfortable living environment and help them solve troubles. The development of our company is based on the agencies from all the areas, so our company put the agencies' interests in the most important place and try to support them with the best production, the best service and the fastest logistics. At present, we have two warehousing bases in Beijing and Wuhan,and our productions will be sent to the agencies in the fastest speed.